More accountability for sexual violence in Sudan needed now

On the International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict, Janet Sankale highlights the dire plight of Sudanese women, who face rampant sexual violence amidst the ongoing civil war. This op-ed underscores the urgent need for global action to address gender-based violence, hold perpetrators accountable, and support survivors. AFRICA BRIEFING A SURGE of […]

One year into the crisis in Sudan, South Africa should use its influence to help bring peace

Daily Maverick By Dismas Nkunda April 15 marked the first anniversary of the conflict in Sudan. The situation is dire: since the outbreak of the crisis nearly nine million civilians have been forcibly displaced, with 80% internally displaced and others having fled to neighbouring Chad, Central African Republic, Egypt and South Sudan, and within the […]

South Sudan still trying to pick up the pieces

The country continues to grapple with the dilemma of either hastily navigating transitional processes, potentially repeating past disregard for popular will and exacerbating conflict, or extending the transitional arrangement, thereby bolstering the authority of leaders who have consistently failed to secure lasting peace, writes Maggie LoWilla Africa Briefing In 2011, South Sudan became the world’s […]